Primarily Male
The meaning of the name Haakon is High Son
The origin of the name Haakon is Scandinavian
Alternate spellings: Håkon, Hakon, Håkan

The name Haakon, with its various spellings throughout centuries, derives from the Old Norse name Hákon. It was the name of various kings of Norway, the most well-known being Haakon I, also known as Haakon the Good. 

Famous bearers: Haakon, current Crown Prince of Norway and heir to the throne. Håkon Bleken, Norwegian artist. Håkon Wium Lie, Norwegian web pioneer and inventor of CSS.  

People who like the name Haakon also like: Leo, Leon, Hanson, Bastian, Alexander, Oliver, Gavin, Layla, Natashia, Thalia, Laila, Lynette, Violet, Lahayla

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