
The meaning of the name Declan is Full Of Goodness
The origin of the name Declan is Irish
Alternate spellings: Deklan
Notes: Common nicknames for the name Declan include Dec and Dee. From the Gaelic name, Deaglán.
Famous people with the name Declan tend to be of Irish descent. Athletes include Declan Kidney, Declan Meehan, and Declan O’Sullivan. Musicians include Declan Affley and Declan deBarra. Declan MacManus is the real of musician Elvis Costello.
Saint Declán of Ardmore was an early Irish saint of the Déisi Muman, who was remembered for having founded the monastery of Ardmore in what is now County Waterford in Ireland.
Fictional Declans include Declan Coyne from the television show Degrassi: the Next Generation and Declan Rand from Psych.