
The meaning of the name Arianna is Very Holy
The origin of the name Arianna is Greek
Alternate spellings: Aaryanna, Aryana, Ariannah
Notes: A common variation of the name is Ariana, as in singer Ariana Grande. Arianna is derived from the Greek name, Ariadne. Common nicknames include Ari, Anna, Na Na, R, and Ree.
The name Arianna is also connected to a region of eastern countries of the Persian empire. An alternate spelling, Aryana, is the name of a coastal city in northern Tunisia. There are several operas with the word Arianna in them, including those by Handel, Goehr, and Marcello.
One of the most famous Ariannas is Arianna Huffington, co-founder of
the Huffington Post. Arianna is a popular name among athletes, including Arianna Follis, Arianna Fontana, and Ariana Vanderpool-Wallace.
Fictional Ariannas include the characters on Days of Our Lives, Arianna Horton and Arianna Hernandez. There is also Ariana Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.