
The meaning of the name Emilia is To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
The origin of the name Emilia is Latin
Alternate spellings: Aemilia, Emelia
Notes: Emilia originally comes from the name Aemilia. Common variations of the name include Amelia, Emelia, Emily, Amilya, Emiliana, and Amilia. Common nicknames include Emma, Em, Emmy, Mia, Millie, and Mellie. The male version of
Emilia is Emiliano (Spanish, Italian).
Famous Emilias seem include actress Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones, Emilia McCarthy, actress, Emilia Eberle and Emilia Rotter, athletes, and singer Emilia Rydberg.
Emilia is also a famous Shakespearean name, from the drama Othello.